Bespoke Dance and Functions

Gangnam Style Dance Classes
A Gangnam style hen party dance class is a sure way to get a lots of laughs and giggles. Get ready to learn the entire routine which of course all the hens will then be able to perform again at the wedding reception.
The Gangnam style dance classes are suitable for all ages and abilities and it’s a great way to bring everyone together to celebrate the bride’s up and coming big day.
We provide dance classes throughout the UK, including all major cities and towns to smaller rural areas. If you're renting a property for the hen party, we can even send our tutors to you. We are incredibly flexible, and you can have a booking any time between 10am and 8pm.
£24 per person
Minimum booking is for 10 people
Smaller groups are welcome, we just ask that you make up the cost of 10 people.
If you have move than 15 Hens then the bride goes FREE!
90 Minute Class
Private Central Venue Hire
Dance Instructor
Bottle of Bubbly/Wine
Choreographed Dance Routine
Music to Suit Dance Theme